Sometimes waking up early in the morning and hearing the city outside the windows and feeling the summer breeze, makes me so excited and happy that nothing in this world is of limit! It’s like go out and bake your life, what do you want? And then practice those feelings ❤️
AfterWork with my dear friend Lina❤️New painting in process ❤️
Toxic people workshop, we who are caring, sensitive, empathetic givers need to educate ourselves from these toxic empty people who wants to take your light & life energy… I’ve had to much experience with these types but I must say, my last experience in (work area) 18/2019 was really and I mean REALLY learning me to see them and not fall anymore for their lies that they lore you into using your own dreams and goals. Unfortunately they are good at showing an image that is not true and they spread lies about you to make you look bad it’s called a smear campaign. But, the best revenge is to let them go, leave them to taste there own created shit, and go off to succeed on your path, and that’s what I’m doing 😍 Be everything you can and embrace life everyday. Enjoy your family and friends and take a big bite out of life❤️
This is NYC for me❤️ If I lived in the early 1900 I believe it’s New York Art in process Alphonse Gabriel Capone AKA Scarface 🖤I’m so excited to my new collaboration with HG gallery in old town in Stockholm, we start in late August 😍 You can buy some of my art here🥂This weekend is going to be great weather ☀️☀️☀️
Don’t forget to laugh 😂 And practice what you love to do every day 😘😘😘